Thursday, April 11, 2019

Mentor Texts and Work Day

Hello Groups!

Let's watch some poems and performances.  What are these writers doing stylistically that you are able to then use in your own poems to tell your own authentic stories?  Speak with credibility and ask your classmates to comment as well. 

Take notes - you can't remember it all.  So...this way you can go back and implement as needed on your own time. Write. Write. Write.  There will be plenty of time to revise.  Exchange information with your group and keep each other accountable and coming to class.

1. SWT 11/30 - Relationship Status
2. Mentor Texts/Poems/Poets
* Take Notes - Participate in the Discussion
3. Group Time
* Write!
* Discuss! Writing and Ideas - Solos, Partners, Groups
* Figure out your Poem/Poet Presentations

* 3 Individual Poems (60 pts)
* 1 Group (all members) (40 pts)
* Free Choice - Duo, Trio, Group ( 20 pts)
* Three Mentor Texts - Video/Reflection/Mini Lesson (30 pts)
*** You must have a typed reflection - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How - Teach us!

1. April 30/30
2. Mentor Text/Video - Be Ready To Go!
3. Slam Piece #1 - 1-2 Pages typed draft due TMRW.
* Highlight/Underline/Acknowledge any specific techniques you are trying or want assistance with..
* Authors Chair - Each Team will present!  We may play around with Scoring?!?

1.Glassless Minds - TONIGHT. Ask for Info if interested.
2. Poetry Club on WED
* May Symposium

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