Monday, September 24, 2018

"The Perks of Being..." - Intro and Anticipatory Guide

Hello Seniors!

Let's read an awesome text together.  "The Perks..." is an amazing coming of age story that is written in epistolary format.  We will experiment with the format in our own writing.  Immerse yourself in these words, this music, and the film. It is layered and worthy of discussion and written reflection.  I look forward to seeing you enjoy this eye-opening unit.  Bring your best.

1. SWT
2. Book Checkout - ID  (Book Check TUES)
3. Charlie Letters (Explanation)
4. Anticipatory Guide
5. Film Preview

1.  Poem/Poet of your choice.  Sign up by Wednesday.  Typed and ready to present by Friday.
*** Visit Button Poetry, Def Jam Poetry
2.  Part One of Perks by Wednesday - You will work in Reading Response Groups
* Complete Anticipatory Guide and Question (Typed)

1. I am writing to you because....
2. So this is my life.  And I want you to know...
3.  I don't really remember much of what happened...
4.  I don't think there is a favorite kid in my family...
5.  I do/do not like high school....

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