Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Sophomores - Poems due Thursday / Seniors = Portfolio DUE

Hey Everyone!

We are almost there!  Finish the semester strong!

1. Film Clip - Sarah Kay - "Love Letter from Toothbrush to Bicycle Tire"
2. Write Your Own Version of this piece.  Typed and due on Thursday.
3. Authors Chair - Friday
* BFG, Big Fish, Letter

1. Portfolio Time - (Periods 3,5) Portfolios are DUE! 
* Periods 4,6 DUE Thursday!
* Gallery Walk on Friday  - Must be here to get credit.

* Poetry Club - Only TWO left!  5/31 and 6/7
*  LE on Tues - Perform a Poem raise your grade!
* **WW Night - 6/6.  Attend!

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