Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Soph - BFG / Seniors - Poetry Slam Quarter Finals

Hello Everyone

Sophomores - Let's read and have some fun.  We will also begin to prepare our Individual Speeches.  Please begin to brainstorm ideas/topics that you are passionate about? 

1. Prompt - Appearances - When have we made false assumptions or had false assumptions made about us?  Think about how this may tie into our text "The BFG"
2. Film Clip
3. Read "The BFG" - Handout - Make Annotations.

1.Quarter Finals begin! We will continue with the next rounds TMRW.

HW -
* Prep for Slam - All FIVE pieces are due on FRIDAY- typed and highlighted.
*** These are the FINAL ready to be performed, ready for Portfolio pieces.

* LE Tuesday
*  Poetry Club Wednesday

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