Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sophomores - Paper Clips / Seniors - Slam Teams

Hello Everyone

Our grading period ends on Friday.  Please meet assignment deadlines,  make sure you put in effort, and that you are able to share your work.  Proofread and use your resources.

1.Film - Paperclips
* Take Notes - Page 37/38 - Issue, Claim(s), Quotes, Thoughts, Examples, Connections

HW -
* Prep for big group Socratics - Thursday/Friday
*** Night, EW - Acceptance Speech, Paper Clips Video Clips, Lottery, KG...
*** Know and study themes, motifs, symbols- be able to provide evidence with page # and quotes
* Double Entry Journals DUE day of your Socratic
* All work including - Five Socratic Q's, Elie Speech Notes, Etc..

1. Slam Team - Write, Edit, Revise, Practice, Plan

HW -
* Photograph/Picture/Image Poem Draft due Weds
* 30/30 due on Friday
* Prep for Slam - All FIVE pieces are due next week
* Quarter Finals start on 5/9

* LE Tonight
* Poetry Club Weds at lunch
* MiraCosta College on Thursday w/Super B, Natasha Hooper, Gil Sotu
* SD Slam - Battle of the Sexes - Monday 5/8

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