Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Soph - Night Chapter Two / Seniors - WRG Ballad

Hello Students!

You are allowed to move through all of this content and process at a pace that is comfortable to you.  Please engage with your classmates, use your resources, and keep track of your writing.

1. Prompt - Chapter One Reflection.
* Use your notes/questions/quotes to write a 6-8 sentence reflective paragraph about chapter one.  This is not a summary. Use the text as evidence to support your thoughts.
2. Read Night - Chapter Two
* Double Entry Journals - Include Notes, Questions, Quotes (see examples)
3. Video Clip - Oprah and Elie
* Issue, Claim, Quotes, What do you think? Your connections? Connections to other texts?

HW - 1) Complete your Journal Entries for Chapter One/Two.  2) Complete Video Clip notes

*** "Somewhere in America" - Group Piece (Trio)
1. Slam Team - WRG Ballad
* Work Check - Ballad, 30/30, Other?
2. Slam Team Time - Workshop. Write. Edit. Revise.

1. Ballad - due Friday 
 2. Slam Individual - Draft due Friday
3. 30/30 - 14 entries for Friday. 

* Poetry Club - Today at Lunch
* Black Expression - Gil Sotu - FRIDAY

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