Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Soph More - Nature of Man Unit / Seniors - Slam Season

Hello Students.

Here we go.  Let's work hard these next few weeks.  We are own best resources.  Take advantage of the time to work together, to think critically, and to always be improving. Be the process!

1. Prompt- Watch Clip and then respond.
* What is your experience with stereotypes?
* Discussion - Take notes
3. Short Story - The Lottery - Annotate
* Questions due upon completion

1. Prompt -"The Type" - Sarah Kay
*** What can you steal!
2. 30/30 - Do it!  Get started with Haiku!
3. Sonnets - Draft due w/ copies TMRW for WRG
* Bring a different piece to workshop if you would like!

* Poetry Club - WED
* Black Expression - FRIDAY
* Saturday Night - Poetry/Music Event - Donation Based - Info to follow
* Featuring Asante, Greg, Nick, Chrissy, and many others!

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