Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week #6 - You're The Best Around!

Hello Awesome Sophomore!

This is an important week - culminating in our Unit test this Friday.  Next week will be dedicated to writing our final "for publication" pieces.  You should be working on these all the time. 

Monday - We will read, scaffold, annotate, and rhetorically deconstruct Luis Rodriguez's memoir excerpt from Always Running.  This is our mentor text for the week.  Having it read and annotated prior to class will be in your benefit.  Expect a good day with lots of insight.  You should be taking notes.  You will also receive a graphic organizer to assist you.  Be ready to contribute and discuss.

Tuesday - Independent Reading (15 minutes) - Have your book.
RRG group day.  You will have the task of writing analysis for Always Running based on your Monday discussion and you HW to complete the graphic organizer/notes.  Just like last week - you will have time to discuss and navigate the piece as a group.  There should be plenty of conversation and explanation.  Remember - THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE BEING TESTED ON THIS FRIDAY.  Take advantage of the time to work in RRG and do this together. 

Wednesday - Always Running Analysis Discussion and Mini Memoir #4- Due
* Possible time for WRG (TBD)
*You will get the prompt for this on Monday.  You are expected to be writing independently. 

Thursday - Independent Reading - Bring your book
* TEST Review
* Scavenger to find examples of Narrative/Stylistic Devices Activity

Friday - Memoir Unit Test
* Bring your book in case you finish early

* Memoir - published piece(s) due on Friday 10/21
* Poetry Club - Lunchtime Weds. in Room 854 - Come see some insane spoken word by PLHS students!
* Homecoming - Friday/Saturday - Pep Rally on Friday
*PLAN/PSAT Test - Saturday @ PLHS
* Tutoring available upon request.  Come and speak with me on your own time.
* Six week grades close this FRIDAY.

Work hard.  Play hard.


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