Monday, October 3, 2011

Week #5

Hello Sophomores!

Our Memoir Unit rolls on as we explore Victor Villasenor's excerpt from Burro Genus.  We will be doing a number of different activities discussing and exploring this piece, its theme, and the stylistic devices used to convey the message. Characterization and Tone are extremely important to identify, as I want you to to begin implementing these features in this weeks mini-memoir assignment.

Monday - Read Burro Genus - use the graphic organizer to help you with rhetoric and stylistic choice
Tuesday - Discussion using a variety of methods: Socratic, Fishbowl, Author Interview, Strip Club
Wednesday - Min-Memoir (In-class write) - Prompt will be given prior to assignment.
Thursday - WRG - Mini Memoir          
Friday - In-class write - We write together using rhetoric, characterization, tone, stylistic devices

* Next reading - Always Running - expect text and graphic organizer later in the week
* Open House on Thursday.  
* Notebook Check on Friday
* We will begin reviewing for our Unit Test which will be next week
* Final Writing Assessment (Analysis/Mini-Memoir) - TBA
* Due dates will be assigned for final Memoir Assessment  TBA
* Six Week Grades close on Friday 10/14
* Next Author's Chair is Friday 10/14
* PLAN test is on Saturday 10/15 - Are you signed up?

Do you need your work proofread?  Do you have any questions?  How can I help you do your best?  Tutoring is always available at your request.  Please come and speak with me.

Have a good week.


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