Monday, May 13, 2019

Smarter Balanced Testing

Hello Seniors

WE have to use class time today (and another day this week) to administor the Smarter Balnced Test.  Do your best so you can just mark it off as another graduation task.  The school is looking for you to complete this test and do your best - exit PL showing you are able to retain some information...

Slam Quarterfinal Rounds continue TMRW! Teams be ready to go!  Come and support your friends!

1. SWT - Work on Portfolio Prompts. See Below.  Do your own authentic and reflective.
2. Smarter Balanced Test - Grab a Computer!

1. Prep for Slam
2.  Portfolio Intro/Reflection
* Explore your 1st Semester Portfolio - Cover, Table of Contents, Dedication, About the Author

* Poetry Club - Wednesdays
* LE is TMRW - earn additional extra credit.
* Symposium on FRIDAY - Sign Up = credit

1.WRITER influences?
2. Revisit the Nine Rights?
3. The class/space as a place to take chances, risks, meet knew people, learn from classmates, etc...
4.  Favorite and/or Challenging pieces.  Poetry endeavors? Scripts? Short Story? Reflections?
5.  Subjectivity of the class.. It is not just about work completion - but process and authentic
6. Slam Reflections...go round by round?

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