Monday, March 18, 2019

Script Writing Time

Hello Scriptwriters!

This is our week.  We will be done with our official Screenwriting unit.  We write, we edit, we present.  We are working on format and fun.  Follow the week.  Meet deadlines.  Be ready with a working (not necessarily final) product.  Here is the plan:

Monday/Tuesday - Writing
Wednesday - WRG/Editing
Thursday - ReWriting
Friday - Authors Chair Present.
* You will all present at a future AC if not this Friday. Film Folks?

1.  SWT - Write a (or two) from the weekend in Script format. Be sure to include all 5 necessary parts.  Follow format.  Use your handout.
2.  The Writers Room -
* SNL Writers Room -
* Take a few notes - revisit on your own Jxo5XpFI

1.  Script 7-10 pages draft due Wednesday - Writing Response Group
* Bring TWO copies w/specific questions

* Poetry Club - Wednesday

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